7 February 2024

7 Qualities that Make Leaders Inspiring & Loyal Partners

By Ronald Smith

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7 Qualities that Make Leaders Inspiring  Loyal Partners

Sure, sometimes as a leader I have to make decisions that aren’t popular. But as the leader, I want to have the respect and support of my staff. Being a likable leader doesn’t mean trying to please everyone or walking on eggshells around my employees. It’s about being the best leader I can be. By using these strategies, I can not only develop important skills that will help my business succeed, but I can also earn the loyalty of my employees.

Qualities of Leaders Who are Likable

1. Be Honest

The first and most important quality of a likable leader is honesty. People won’t like or trust someone they don’t believe. Even if I need to deliver difficult feedback or share challenging information, it’s better to be honest about my expectations, my vision for the future, and where my employees stand. When I am honest with them, it builds a foundation of trust, and that can benefit the entire company.

2. Stay Positive

I want to emphasize the importance of maintaining a positive mindset as an entrepreneur. It doesn’t mean ignoring challenges or difficulties, but rather keeping your focus on the goals you want your company to reach. By staying goal-oriented and forward-looking, you are showing that you are committed to being an exceptional leader.

3. Embrace Humility

I believe that no one can achieve success on their own. Leaders who constantly seek personal recognition for achievements often end up with a demotivated and disengaged team. Instead, take every opportunity to publicly acknowledge and praise deserving employees. This act of humility will foster loyalty and continued support from your staff.

4. Empower Your Team

I believe that when employees don’t feel empowered to make decisions, they don’t take responsibility when things go wrong. If you want your staff to treat your company as if it’s their own, then you need to give them the authority and support to make appropriate decisions. Yes, there may be some mistakes along the way, but having invested, proud, and responsible employees is worth it.

5. Be Easy to Approach

Let me tell you, every member of my staff knows that I have an open door with a caveat policy. I am always available to them. I’m always happy to listen, offer advice, and be a mentor. However, I am not the company’s chief problem solver. If you don’t want to spend all day dealing with issues, you have to train your staff to solve problems on their own. Don’t just hand them a solution; teach them how to find solutions for themselves.

6. Ask Questions

7. Get to Know Your Team

Listen up! This one is so important that it should already be ingrained in your brain. But believe it or not, many business owners fail to connect with their employees on a personal level by learning and using their first and last names. Can you imagine that? It may seem like a small detail, but it speaks volumes about how you value your team. Don’t give me that excuse about being bad with names. Make an effort to know your team’s names. It’s non-negotiable.

Being a leader is more than just having a fancy title. It’s about having the right mindset. Just because you own a company doesn’t automatically make you an amazing boss that everyone loves. Building that kind of reputation takes effort, but let me tell you, it’s effort that will bring massive rewards – better productivity and unwavering loyalty.