25 October 2023

20 Ways to Boost Your Entrepreneurial Creativity

By Ronald Smith

20 Ways to Boost Your Entrepreneurial Creativity

Are you ready to supercharge your entrepreneurial creativity? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Let me share with you 20 fantastic ways to ignite your creative spark and unleash your innovative potential. Brace yourself, because we’re about to embark on an exciting journey of discovery!

  1. Embrace curiosity: The first step towards unlocking your creative genius is to be curious about the world around you. Embrace your inner explorer and never stop asking questions.
  2. Step out of your comfort zone: Break free from your routine and try new things. Venture into uncharted territory and challenge yourself. That’s where the magic happens!
  3. Welcome failure: Failure is not the end; it’s a stepping stone towards success. Embrace failures as valuable learning experiences that pave the way for innovation.
  4. Cultivate an open mind: Be open to different perspectives and ideas. Nurture an environment of diversity, where creativity can flourish.
  5. Seize opportunities: Keep your eyes peeled for opportunities that come your way. Be ready to seize them and turn them into creative ventures.
  6. Collaborate: Two minds are better than one! Surround yourself with creative individuals who can inspire and challenge you.
  7. Seek inspiration: Inspiration can be found everywhere – in nature, art, books, and even everyday experiences. Be mindful of the world around you and let it fuel your creativity.
  8. Embrace mistakes: Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. They often lead to breakthroughs and innovative ideas. Embrace them as valuable steps on your creative journey.
  9. Take breaks: Sometimes, the best way to boost your creativity is to take a step back and recharge. Give yourself time to relax and let your mind wander.
  10. Keep a journal: Write down your thoughts, ideas, and observations. A journal is a treasure trove of inspiration that you can revisit whenever you need a creative boost.
  11. Stay curious: Never stop learning. Keep exploring new subjects, acquiring new skills, and expanding your knowledge. Curiosity is the fuel that keeps your creative fire burning.
  12. Embrace diversity: Surround yourself with people from different backgrounds and cultures. Celebrate diversity and learn from one another’s unique perspectives.
  13. Practice mindfulness: Be present in the moment and fully engage with your surroundings. Mindfulness enhances your awareness and allows you to tap into your creative potential.
  14. Experiment: Step into the realm of experimentation. Try new approaches, test out different ideas, and don’t be afraid to fail. It’s through experimentation that innovation thrives.
  15. Stay positive: Maintaining a positive mindset is crucial for creative thinking. Believe in yourself and your abilities. Remember, you are capable of amazing things!
  16. Embrace feedback: Feedback is a valuable source of growth and improvement. Be open to receiving feedback from others and use it as a tool to refine your ideas.
  17. Find a mentor: Seek guidance from someone who has walked the path before you. A mentor can provide valuable insights and help you navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship.
  18. Visualize success: Envision your goals and dreams. Visualize yourself achieving them and let that vision propel you forward. Visualizing success can help manifest it into reality.
  19. Stay persistent: Entrepreneurial creativity requires persistence. Keep pushing forward, even in the face of obstacles. Your resilience will be rewarded.
  20. Never stop dreaming: Dream big and never let go of your aspirations. Your dreams fuel your creativity and provide the motivation to keep innovating.

Well, there you have it – 20 powerful ways to boost your entrepreneurial creativity. Now, it’s up to you to take action and unleash your creative potential. So go out there, explore, experiment, and let your imagination soar! The world is waiting for your innovative ideas.

20 Ways to Boost Your Entrepreneurial Creativity

Got a cool idea but feeling stuck? Yeah, been there. It’s like my brain goes poof and I’m left with zero energy to finish what I started.

We’ve all been there. You know, trying to stay creative but it’s just not happening. The spark that got us going is gone.

But don’t worry, I’ve got some tricks up my sleeve to get those creative juices flowing again and, hopefully, help you wrap up your project or task.

Supercharge Your Entrepreneurial Creativity

Take a Break from the Screen

Sometimes, the best way to freshen up your brain is to step away from your computer, tablet, or phone and start brainstorming on a whiteboard. As Boland Jones, President and CEO of PGi, says in Entrepreneur:

No matter what you do or where you work, I want you to know that being able to visualize data and ideas is a super powerful tool. It really gets your team’s wheels spinning! So, I have a suggestion for you. Step away from your phone for a moment and gather your team in a room (or a virtual one, if you prefer). Then, grab a whiteboard and start jotting down your thoughts until your hand starts to ache a bit.

Now, let’s dive into a strategy that can help you solve problems and keep your creative juices flowing. It’s called working backwards, and it’s pretty cool. Here’s how it goes: first, set a long term goal. Really think about what you want to achieve. Once you have that goal locked in, create a plan for how to get there. And here’s the best part—don’t stress about the how just yet. Focus on the what. Trust me, as you move forward, the path to your goal will start to reveal itself naturally. It’s like the road map unfolds right in front of you!

Oh, and here’s another tip for you. Keep notes on everything! Whether it’s a random idea that pops into your head or a flash of inspiration that strikes you during a brainstorming session, jot it down. You never know when those notes could come in handy. Plus, it feels great to have a record of all your brilliant thoughts and ideas. So go ahead and grab a notebook or open up a digital document—start capturing those precious gems of creativity!

Take Regular Mental Breaks

It’s important to give yourself a break every now and then. Working non-stop isn’t good for your health or your creativity. So why not take a few minutes every hour to relax and do something you enjoy? It could be listening to a song that puts you in a good mood or reading an interesting article. These little breaks can really help you overcome any mental challenges you’re facing. Plus, it’s crucial to know when to keep working and when to take a short break, like brewing yourself a fresh pot of coffee.

Go Out for a Refreshing Drink

Sometimes, it’s good to swap your coffee mug for something a little different. How about treating yourself to a cold, refreshing drink every now and then? As Jones suggests:

Having a single beer can actually relax your brain. It helps you focus less on the negatives and can even prevent you from dismissing your great ideas.

Let’s go on a little adventure to the local bar or grab a bottle of wine and get cozy in the office to let our imaginations run wild. We’ll jot down all the amazing ideas that pop into our heads and revisit them in the morning when we’re feeling more clear-headed.

Create a Special Atmosphere

Did you know that setting the mood can actually boost your creativity and get those innovative juices flowing? According to Chris Weller from Medical Daily, dimming the lights can do wonders for your entrepreneurial spirit. One study from a university in Germany even found that turning down the lights can enhance creativity, reduce inhibitions, and increase your determination. So, the next time you find yourself stuck in a creativity rut, try changing up your lighting!

Get Together with Fellow Creative Thinkers

Surrounding yourself with other imaginative minds is a fantastic way to kick your brain into high gear. As Sabrina Bachai from Medical Daily suggests, meeting up with groups of creative thinkers can inspire and fuel your own creativity. Together, we can come up with ideas that will leave others in awe!

By surrounding yourself with other creative individuals, whether they’re skilled in writing, music, or other art forms, it can ignite your own creativity. It’s like being in a room full of inspiration and ideas, where your creative energy is propelled forward.

Letting your mind wander can actually be beneficial for your brain. Back in 2012, the University of California conducted a study that revealed when you let your thoughts drift, it can enhance your creative thinking. It’s like giving your brain the freedom to explore new territories and make unexpected connections.

Sometimes, the best way to boost your creativity is to dive headfirst into a creative project, even if you’re uncertain about the outcome. Don’t let fear hold you back or paralyze your actions. You can spend forever worrying about whether you or your ideas are good enough. During moments like these, Bachai advises:

Instead of sitting and pondering how to make yourself more creative, just take the plunge and do it.

Setting goals can also be an excellent way to spur your creativity. Aim to set lots of them, both big and small. Having specific objectives in mind gives you clarity and direction, and it pushes you to think outside the box. It’s like a roadmap that guides your creative journey, leading you to explore new possibilities and stretch your imagination.

Writing over at Create Hype, Lisa Jacobs has a great tip for you:

If you’re not sure what you want from your business, take some time to figure it out.

It’s important to have a clear idea of your goals for both the short and long term. Make a list and keep it somewhere visible, so you can work towards them every day.

Embrace Your Many Roles

As the boss, you’re not just a manager. You take on many different hats like being your own assistant, copywriter, PR agent, and sales rep. Instead of seeing this as a limitation, use it to your advantage! Since you’re in charge, you don’t have to answer to anyone but yourself. So go ahead and explore each of these roles.

Learn from Feedback

Take a Different Perspective

Step back and see things from a new angle. When I can detach myself from stressful situations, I can find smarter and more creative solutions. Like Jacobs says, Businesses handle the ups and downs of the market every day – now you’re one of them.

Keep Going

If I keep pushing towards my goals without giving up, I’ll be more open to trying new and inventive approaches. Even when I feel stuck and uninspired, I can shake things up and see what ideas come to mind.

Break Down Your Problems

I learned from Drew Boyd and Jacob Goldenberg in Bloomberg Business’s The Management Blog that an effective way to solve problems or deal with situations is to break them down into smaller pieces. By doing this, it becomes easier to tackle them and come up with innovative solutions.

Try Removing Something ‘Necessary’ and See What Happens

Believe it or not, sometimes the best thing you can do to boost your creativity as an entrepreneur is to remove something that is usually considered essential. When you take away a perceived necessity, it forces you to think creatively and find alternative ways to achieve your goals.

Journaling Can Help


When I’m brainstorming, I love to doodle in the margins of my notes. It may seem like a small thing, but it actually has a big impact. As Kate Taylor, a writer for Entrepreneur, explains, these quick sketches can really boost creativity. They help me remember ideas better and even activate my brain in a way that leads to new breakthroughs.

So, don’t worry about being a great artist or making your doodles perfect. Just focus on getting those ideas out of your head and onto the page. Let your thoughts flow freely and see where they take you.

Embrace Your Uniqueness

Some of the most successful people out there are also the most eccentric. They’re not afraid to be different or embrace what makes them strange. Instead of worrying about what others might think or if they’ll consider you weird, embrace your quirks and make them a part of who you are.

Take Time to Analyze

When I take a break from my ideas and come back to them later, something magical happens. I start researching and diving deeper into them, and they become stronger and more complete. It’s like a secret ingredient that adds a boost of creativity to my entrepreneurial journey. I’ve found that this method often leads to even more innovative solutions.

Now, let’s be real. Not all of my ideas are gems. Some of them are just duds. But that’s okay! I make a point to go through them and weed out the bad ones. This way, I give my good ideas the space they need to grow and shine.

I hope these tips help you break through that pesky creative block you’re facing. And hey, these are just a few suggestions. I’m curious, what are your tricks for rejuvenating your creative spirit?