4 December 2023

30 Things You Must Know When Designing a Website for Your Business

By Ronald Smith

Designing a website for your business can seem like a daunting task. There are so many things to consider and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But fear not, because I am here to guide you through the process. So let’s dive in and explore the 30 key things you need to know when designing a website for your business.

1. Content is king: Your website’s content is vital. It should be clear, concise, and convey the essence of your brand.

2. Keep it simple: Avoid clutter and make sure your website is easy to navigate.

3. Mobile-friendly is a must: With so many people using smartphones, your website must be mobile-friendly.

4. Speed matters: A slow website can turn visitors away. Optimize your site to load quickly.

5. Call to action: Guide your visitors towards the action you want them to take, whether it’s making a purchase or filling out a form.

6. Contact information: Make sure your contact information is easily accessible. Customers should be able to reach you without any hassle.

7. User-friendly design: Create a design that is visually appealing and easy to understand.

8. Consistency is key: Keep your design elements consistent throughout your website for a professional look.

9. Branding matters: Your website should reflect your brand’s personality and values.

10. Search engine optimization (SEO): Optimize your website for search engines to improve your visibility online.

11. Use high-quality images: Images can make or break your website’s design. Choose high-quality images that align with your brand.

12. Provide valuable content: Offer informative and engaging content that keeps visitors coming back for more.

13. Social media integration: Integrate your social media profiles with your website to enhance your online presence.

14. Testimonials and reviews: Showcasing positive testimonials and reviews can build trust with potential customers.

15. Secure your website: Protect your website from potential threats with proper security measures.

16. Blogging: Consider starting a blog to provide fresh content and keep your website active.

17. Easy-to-use forms: If you have any forms on your website, make sure they are simple to fill out.

18. Use white space: Don’t overload your website with too much information. Use white space to give it room to breathe.

19. Use headings and subheadings: Break up your content with headings and subheadings to make it easier to read.

20. Analyze your data: Use analytics tools to track your website’s performance and make informed decisions.

21. Be responsive: Respond to customer inquiries and feedback promptly to show that you value their input.

22. Clear pricing information: If you sell products or services, make sure your pricing information is clear and easy to find.

23. Use readable fonts and colors: Choose fonts and colors that are easy on the eyes and complement your website’s design.

24. Regularly update your website: Keep your website up-to-date with fresh content and current information.

25. Intuitive navigation: Make it easy for visitors to find what they’re looking for with intuitive navigation.

26. Include a search bar: A search bar can help users find specific information quickly and easily.

27. Mobile testing: Test your website on different devices to ensure it looks and functions well on mobile.

28. Accessibility: Make your website accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities.

29. Shareable content: Create content that users can easily share on social media to increase your website’s reach.

30. Don’t forget about SEO after launching: Continuously optimize your website for search engines even after it’s live.

Designing a website for your business may seem like a challenging task, but by following these 30 key points, you’ll be well on your way to creating a successful online presence. Remember to keep it simple, user-friendly, and aligned with your brand. Good luck!

30 Things You Must Know When Designing a Website for Your Business

Did you know that visitors start judging your website in just 50 milliseconds? Yup, that’s how quick it is! Whether it’s how it looks, how easy it is to use, or the content it has, first impressions matter a whole lot in today’s fast-paced digital world.

Now, if you’re a small or medium-sized business (SMB), I understand that you don’t have an unlimited budget to make the most perfect website ever. But hey, that doesn’t mean your website can’t still be a hit! In fact, with the right design and functionality, your website can take your business to new heights by attracting more potential customers and making more sales.

That’s why I’ve put together a list of 10 things you should keep in mind as an SMB when designing your website. These tips will help you create a website that not only looks good but also makes it super easy for your visitors to find what they need and take action.

1. Keep it simple and organized

Having too much stuff on your website can be really confusing. It’s best to keep things simple and organized so that people can find what they need easily. Using empty space can also help break up the information and make it easier to understand.

2. Make it easy to find your way around

As a business, it’s important to make sure that your website is easy to use. You want people to have a good experience when they visit your site, so it’s important to make sure they can find what they’re looking for without any trouble.

If people are always getting lost and having a hard time finding things on your site, they might get frustrated and go somewhere else.

When building a website, it’s crucial to make sure that your navigation is easy to use and makes sense. This way, people can easily find what they’re looking for without any difficulties. You can make it simple by having a navigation bar with drop-down menus for different sections, or you can use a sidebar for navigation.

30 Things You Must Know When Designing a Website for Your Business

3. Choose great pictures and cool designs

Bad pictures will make your website look totally unprofessional. But awesome pictures and cool designs can totally help you share your message and make your website more awesome.

When you pick pictures for your website, just make sure they’re super clear and show something related to what you do. You can also add cool infographics, drawings, or even videos to break up your words and make your website more interesting to look at.

4. Make sure everyone can use your website

Lots of people are working hard to make sure everyone can use websites, even if they have disabilities. So, you should do your part too! That means making sure your website can be used by people who can’t use a mouse and adding words that describe your pictures.

If you want to know how well your website meets the standards and guidelines, you can try out accessiBe’s accessScan web accessibility checker. This helpful tool is completely free and will scan your website for any accessibility issues. Once the scan is done, you can download a report that shows you which areas need improvement. It’s really easy to use, just enter your website’s URL and you’re good to go!

30 Things You Must Know When Designing a Website for Your Business

5. Make Typography Work for You

When it comes to your brand, the font you choose speaks volumes. So, it’s crucial to select a typeface that aligns with the image you want to convey. For instance, a fun and playful font might be just right for a website aimed at kids, whereas a more elegant and refined font would suit a luxury brand better.

But it’s not just about picking the perfect font. Paying attention to details like line height, letter spacing, and font size can enhance the clarity and readability of your text. This is especially important for longer pieces of writing.

6. Stay True to Your Brand

When it comes to your website, it’s like an extra part of your brand. So, it’s super important to make sure that your branding is the same across everything. This means using the same logo, colors, and style of language on your website as you would in your other marketing stuff.

Being consistent with your branding is gonna help make your brand really solid and recognizable to the people who visit your site. It’s also gonna make your marketing work better because everything will fit together nicely.

30 Things You Must Know When Designing a Website for Your Business

7. Make your website mobile-friendly

Did you know that making your website mobile-friendly can increase the chances of visitors coming back by 74%?

Nowadays, more and more people use their smartphones and other mobile devices to browse the internet. That’s why it’s crucial to ensure that your website is optimized for these users. This means that your website should adapt smoothly to smaller screens and that all your content is easily accessible and user-friendly on mobile devices.

If you want to check if your website is mobile-friendly, you can use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool. Simply enter your website’s URL, and the tool will analyze your page to determine if it meets the mobile-friendly criteria.

8. Keep your content updated

It’s important to regularly refresh and update the content on your website.

Your website is like a living thing that needs to change and grow in order to stay useful for the people who visit it. That’s why it’s important to keep adding new and interesting things to your site, like blog posts, new products, or updated information.

When you do this, it keeps your audience interested and also makes your website more likely to show up when people search for things online. That means more people will see your site and might become customers!

30 Things You Must Know When Designing a Website for Your Business

9. Using Call-to-Actions (CTAs) to Get Visitors to Take Action

When I create my website, I have a specific goal in mind. Maybe it’s to get people interested in my products or services, or maybe it’s to sell something. Whatever my goal is, I know it’s important to include call-to-actions (CTAs) on my website. These CTAs are little prompts that encourage visitors like you to take a certain action.

My CTAs are short and to the point. They’re easy to spot and they guide you to a special page where you can take the next step. For example, if I want to get people to sign up for my newsletter, my CTA might say Join our newsletter and it will take you to a form where you can subscribe.

10. Making Sure Your Website Works on All Devices

I want my website to look great no matter what device you’re using, whether it’s a computer or a smartphone. That’s why I embrace responsive design. Responsive design means that the layout of my website automatically adjusts to fit the screen you’re viewing it on. This way, you can have a great experience no matter how you’re accessing my site. It’s important for me to reach as many people as possible, and responsive design helps me do that.

11. Paying Attention to Loading Speed

A fast website is super important for keeping people interested. To make your site speedy, try compressing images, minimizing code, and finding a good hosting service to cut down loading times.

12. Get on the SEO Train

If you want more people to find your website on search engines, you gotta implement some SEO best practices. That means optimizing your content, using relevant keywords, and making sure your site structure is SEO-friendly.

13. Be Crystal Clear about Your Brand

Make sure your website clearly tells people what your brand is all about and what you offer. This helps folks understand what you’re all about and why they should pick you over the competition.

14. Keep Your Users Safe

I want to make sure that your website is secure, especially if you have important customer information. One way to do this is by using SSL certificates, secure payment gateways, and keeping your security protocols up to date.

15. Get Insights with Analytics

Did you know that you can use analytics tools to gather information about who visits your website and how they interact with it? This data can give you insights that can help you improve your website and understand what your audience likes.

16. Get Your Visitors Involved

It’s important to give your visitors a chance to interact with your website. You can do this by adding things like contact forms, comments sections, or links to your social media accounts. When your visitors engage with your website, it can create a sense of community and make them more loyal to your brand.

17. Choose a Professional Web Hosting Service

Invest in professional web hosting to make sure your website is reliable, fast, and safe. Quality hosting can improve how well your site works and how users experience it.

18. Use Social Media

Add social media to your website design so you can connect with more people. Put social sharing buttons, link to your social profiles, and show social feeds right on your site.

19. Keep Your Website Updated and Maintained

A website isn’t just a one-time project, it’s an ongoing commitment. Regular updates, refreshing the content, and taking care of the technical stuff are important to keep your site relevant and working well.

20. Write Effective Words

The words on your website should be interesting, clear, and focused on your audience. Good writing can convince visitors, share important messages, and improve how users experience your site.

Design with Conversion in Mind

I believe that every part of your website should be created with the intention of guiding you, the visitor, towards a specific action. This action could be buying something, signing up for a newsletter, or getting in touch with my business.

Offer Something Valuable

I want to give you content that is not just helpful, but also interesting and valuable to you. This can come in the form of blog posts, tutorials, videos, or even eBooks that establish my brand as an expert in our industry.

Showcase What Others Say

I think it’s important to include feedback from our customers. Hearing about positive experiences can help you trust in the quality and usefulness of my products or services.

Think About Offering Different Languages

If you want to reach people all around the world with your business, think about offering your website in different languages. This will make sure that people from different countries can understand and use your website, and it will help you attract more customers from diverse backgrounds.

25. Make your website more fun!

Add interactive things to your website, like games, quizzes, or interactive pictures. These things will make your website more interesting and engaging for people. It won’t just be a place for information, but a place for people to have fun and enjoy themselves. Interactive things can also give people personalized help, which will make them more likely to buy things from you and come back to your website again.

26. Get ready for the future

When you design your website, make sure it can grow and change as your business grows and changes. You want your website to be able to handle more customers and more things to sell. So think ahead and plan for the future when you’re making your website.

27. Use space wisely

Did you know that white space, or negative space, plays a crucial role in creating a clean and uncluttered design for your website? It not only helps to highlight important content but also makes it easier for visitors like you to navigate through the website.

28. Let’s Create a Community

I believe that by adding features to your website that allow visitors to interact with each other and with your brand, such as forums, user-generated content, or membership areas, you can foster a thriving community. This sense of belonging can enhance loyalty and keep people engaged.

29. Stay in the Loop with Web Design Trends

To keep your website fresh and appealing, it’s important to stay updated on the latest web design trends and technologies. By regularly incorporating modern design elements, you can ensure that your website remains relevant and appealing to visitors like you.

30. Test, Test, Test!

I want to remind you that your website is never really done. There’s always room for improvement and new things to try out. Whether it’s testing different call-to-actions, making sure your site is accessible, or playing around with fresh design elements, it’s super important to have a mindset of constantly learning and experimenting. This way, your website will always be performing at its best.

Creating an Awesome User Experience: Tips for Designing Small Business Websites

  • Making a Great First Impression: Did you know that people form opinions about your website in a blink of an eye? Yep, within just 50 milliseconds! So, focus on making your visual design captivating and appealing to your audience.
  • Designing on a Budget: You may not have a lot of money, but you can still have a great website. Focus on important design elements that match your brand.
  • Creating a Website that Gets Results: It’s important to have a website that looks good, but it’s just as important to make sure it works well for users. Aim for more leads, sales, and conversions.
  • Simplicity is the Key: Keep your website clean and simple. This will make it easy for people to find what they’re looking for.
  • Easy Navigation: Make it easy for people to move around your website. Use menus that are organized well and easy to understand.

I believe it’s essential to focus on a few key aspects when designing a website. Let’s explore how we can make our website visually appealing, accessible to all users, and consistent with our brand identity.

First and foremost, we should prioritize visual excellence. By investing in high-quality images and graphics, we can enhance communication and give our website a professional and unique look. These visuals not only capture attention but also reflect our brand’s personality and values.

Next, let’s make sure our website is accessible to everyone. Considering the needs of users with disabilities is crucial. We can achieve this by incorporating features like keyboard navigation and alt text. These additions allow all users to easily navigate and understand the content on our website, promoting inclusivity.

The typography we choose plays a significant role in creating an engaging user experience. It’s important to select fonts that align with our brand’s personality and tone. Paying attention to details such as line height and letter spacing can greatly impact readability and overall aesthetics.

Lastly, let’s maintain a consistent brand image throughout our website. By using uniform logos, colors, and language, we reinforce brand recognition and create a cohesive experience for our users. This consistency not only helps establish trust but also strengthens our brand’s identity in the online space.

Remember, a visually appealing, accessible, and consistent website is the key to attracting and retaining users. So, let’s pay attention to these important factors as we design and develop our website.

  • Mobile Optimization: Make your website work well on different devices by optimizing it for mobile users. This way, your website will look and function smoothly whether it’s on a computer, tablet, or smartphone.
  • Dynamic Content Updates: Keep your website fresh and interesting by regularly adding new and relevant content. This not only keeps users engaged but it also helps improve your website’s ranking in search engines like Google.
  • Effective Call-to-Actions: Use compelling language and design to guide visitors towards specific actions on your website. This can be anything from signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or contacting you. By doing this, you can enhance user engagement and achieve your business goals.
  • Continuous Testing and Improvement: Adopt a mindset of constantly learning and improving your website. Regularly evaluate how your site is performing, try out new features, and make changes to improve the overall user experience. This way, your website will always be evolving and getting better.
  • Keep Your Goal in Mind: Your website is a very important tool for your business. This means that it’s crucial to prioritize design that matches your goals and helps you engage with users and get more customers.
  • A Final Note

    In the fiercely competitive world of online business, having a well-designed and conversion-optimized website is no longer just nice to have for small and medium-sized businesses—it’s absolutely necessary for success. It’s not just about looks though. This collection of insights emphasizes that your website is your brand’s gateway to showing who you are, your values, and what you offer. By following these helpful guidelines, you’re embarking on a journey to create a strong digital presence that really connects with your audience.

    I want to emphasize the importance of website design. It’s not just about making it look good; it’s about keeping people interested and helping them find what they need. Everything from the simplicity of the design to how easy it is to navigate and access on mobile devices plays a huge role in how people experience your website. You only have a split second to make a good impression, and that impression could impact how people perceive your brand.