27 February 2024

3 Skills You Need to Thrive in Freelance Writing

By Ronald Smith

When it comes to freelancing, some people think it’s a risky way to make a living. They may even doubt that writers can earn a decent income from the comfort of their own homes. But with the rise of the Internet, the writing landscape has changed drastically. There are now countless opportunities online, and the demand for skilled writers is higher than ever.

Of course, there are uncertainties in the freelance writing world. You never know when your next assignment will come in, and freelancers often battle with self-doubt and job insecurities. But succeeding as a freelance writer requires more than just strong writing skills. You also need to know how to pinpoint topics that will captivate your target audience and effectively promote your writing services.

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1. Get Inspired

As a writer, it can be challenging to come up with topics to write about. But don’t worry, there are plenty of blogs out there with different themes, topics, and interests.

It’s not always easy to find inspiration, but with a little creativity, you can come up with ideas day in and day out. Here are some tips to help you get started.

Explore your surroundings

Let’s say you’re shopping for a new smartphone. During the process, you come across something interesting that you think other smartphone buyers would find helpful. What you’ve learned while buying your smartphone could be valuable to others as well.

When I write a post like this, I know it will grab the attention of many readers. Being able to stay sharp, notice visible clues with potential, and transform them into something tangible is a valuable skill.

Let your ideas take flight

Experience is a great teacher in life. It guides your writing. A successful writer knows how to blend their own experiences into a new idea and make it meaningful for those who may be unfamiliar.

Experience is also a wonderful source of real-life examples. This helps readers imagine your ideas by connecting them to familiar things they can understand.

2. Share your ideas effectively

How you interact with your clients ultimately determines your success in maintaining client relationships. Surprisingly, this skill is often overlooked in the world of freelance writing.

Many writers, despite their reputation, fall short of their full potential because they haven’t mastered the art of public relations.

Effective communication skills are essential for pitching ideas and negotiating rates. When it comes to handling clients, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. If you can’t persuade your clients to embrace your written work and agree to publish it, your words will remain unread by any audience.

3. Building your writer brand

No matter how skilled you may be as a writer, if people don’t know about you, you won’t receive enough writing assignments to keep you busy.

So, here’s what you can do to make sure you get noticed:

1. Engage in writer’s forums: Join online communities like Digital Point, Writers.net, or AbsoluteWrite.com. Participate in discussions, express your thoughts, and showcase your wit on Goodreads and writingforums.com. By actively contributing, you can establish your presence and connect with fellow writers.

2. Show, don’t just tell: As a freelancer, it’s crucial to demonstrate your skills rather than just talking about them. Actions speak louder than words. Let your work speak for itself. Share your best pieces, offer samples of your writing, and deliver quality content. By consistently delivering excellent work, you’ll gain a reputation for being good at what you do.

3. Believe in yourself: Confidence is key. Embrace your abilities as a writer and believe in your worth. When you exude confidence, others will perceive you as a professional and skilled writer. So, trust in yourself and your capabilities.

Remember, it’s not enough to be a great writer; you also need to make others aware of your talent. Engage in writer’s forums, let your actions speak for you, and have confidence in your abilities. By doing so, you’ll increase your chances of attracting more writing assignments and opportunities.

Confidence is key to your success. Remember that you’re constantly being tested, even by clients you’ve worked with for a while. It’s not just about having the confidence to attract new clients; you also need it to maintain your current clientele.


Improving your writing skills alone won’t guarantee success in freelance writing. To thrive in this field, you need to stay relevant, stay informed, and stay connected with your clients to ensure a steady flow of projects and a successful freelancing career.

Explore More

For additional information on how to enhance your career as a freelance writer, check out these articles:

  • Dealing With Criticism In The Freelancing World
  • Overcoming Insecurities in Freelancing
  • Building Stronger Relationships With Your Clients
  • 5 Common Ways You’re Losing Your Clients