How to Create an Engaging User Guide (Hint: Comics)
Hey there! Want to know how to make user guides more interesting? Well, I’ve got just the thing for you – hint comics! In this blog post, I’ll share practical tips and examples to help you spice up your guides and capture your readers’ attention. So, let’s dive in!
These days, we all love pictures and infographics. In fact, they seem to have taken over the world! We’re drawn to expressive, fun images, and let’s be honest, we might just click away if we land on a webpage full of plain old text. That’s where comics come in. What used to be just funny pictures for our entertainment has now become a powerful tool for presenting step-by-step guides on just about anything! And guess what? They actually work!
Now, I know what you’re thinking. User manuals can be a real drag. Who has time to read through all that boring text? I’m with you on that one! But here’s the thing – some user manuals have evolved. They’ve become something less painful, and dare I say, even enjoyable. How did they do it? You guessed it, they embraced the power of comics!
And let me clarify, I’m not talking about things like this:
No, those are not comics. Those are just regular illustrations neatly placed in boxes, meant to help users visualize the things they have to fight against. A comic guide, on the other hand, is something truly special – a unique blend of text and graphics that are inseparable. It has plots and themes, with speech balloons that make a user manual interactive and attention-grabbing. You can count on it to always deliver.
Take a look at these 5 amazing examples of comic guides I’ve discovered:
1. Google Chrome Comic Guide
One of the most well-known examples of this type of comic was created by Scott McCloud. His comic, called “Chrome,” consists of 39 pages and features a diverse cast of characters, all of whom are Google developers. Through the use of humor and plain language, they explain complex web concepts to readers. It’s an engaging and informative comic, although some people may find it a bit lengthy and lacking in color.
Now, let’s move on to another comic: “Hackett and Bankwell Comic User Guide to Linux.”
Hackett and Bankwell is a comic book that’s even longer than Google Chrome. But unlike Chrome, this comic has a vibrant story. It follows the adventures of Hackett, a penguin (not Tux, surprisingly), as he embarks on a daring mission with a Chinese girl. Along the way, Hackett explains what Linux really is (sorry, it’s not about antelopes).
For comic book enthusiasts who are not so familiar with Linux, this could be a great way to explore a whole new world.
3. AdVantShop.NET. Comic Guide to E-Commerce
Let me tell you about a hidden gem – a comic that’s less popular and smaller in size, but still captivating and educational. This comic showcases our company’s shopping cart script in a unique way, giving you a glimpse of what it’s like to work with it. Forget about complicated web interfaces and confusing commands – here, you’ll find a seamless user experience accompanied by a touch of delightful humor.
4. User’s Guide to Proper Urinal Etiquette
Hey, I’ve got something fun for you! I thought it would be cool to include a funny manual in the list. This comic gives you step-by-step instructions on how to behave in the bathroom. Who knew going to the loo could be so serious, right? But hey, comics are perfect for anything you can imagine!
5. The Manga Guide to Databases
I can’t help but marvel at the incredible popularity of Manga. Japanese art has truly captivated audiences across various mediums, from the sensual to the educational. It’s amazing how versatile Manga can be! Take, for instance, the Manga Guide to Databases. This book was thoughtfully crafted with students in mind, offering a delightful way to navigate the intricacies of learning about databases.
Allow me to introduce you to a charming protagonist in this magical realm – a cute little princess with enormous, innocent eyes, residing in the Business kingdom. Through a stroke of good fortune, she encounters a wise Fairy who bestows upon her the enigmatic knowledge of databases. It’s an enchanting tale that unfolds with each turn of the page.
Hey there! I’ve gotta mention something super cool before we wrap up – The Oatmeal has this awesome comic guide that I just have to share with you. It’s all about when to use “I.e.” instead of “E.g.” in sentences, and even why printers are actually from hell. Trust me, you’ve gotta check out their other comics too!
Now, there are a bunch of similar guides out there, but I wanted to use some extra bright examples to show you the trend. I actually think that in the near future, most user guides will be comixed. I mean, they’re not only eye-catching but also keep us entertained. And that’s exactly what any brand wants – to hook us in until the end.