Wowza: A Cereal That’s Like No Other. Seriously
So here’s the story: me and my buddy Brian, we run this cool cereal business. We used to call it Hapi Food cereal, you know, all healthy and organic and stuff. But then we had this genius idea to change the name to Holy Crap cereal, and man oh man, things really took off!
Let me tell you how it all started. See, my wife Corin, she’s a wizard in the kitchen. She came up with this recipe to help with Brian’s food allergies and sensitivities. And let me tell you, this cereal is a game-changer. It doesn’t taste like cardboard like most health food. We knew we had something special.
The Epic Birth of Holy Crap Cereal
Now, here’s where things get interesting. We were selling our cereal at a farmer’s market in British Columbia, and this awesome customer of ours dropped a comment that blew our minds:
When I first heard what the customer said, we both had a good laugh. But then I realized that the phrase could be a clever name for a cereal with lots of fiber. You see, before I started Hapi Food, I used to work in marketing, so I know a thing or two about catchy names.
When my husband first came up with the idea to change our company’s name, I wasn’t really excited about it. But, as we talked to our classmates in business class and tried it out, we realized that a new name could actually bring us good things.
Once we made the decision and officially changed the name, something amazing happened. Our sales at the local farmer’s market skyrocketed within just a few weeks – we went from selling only ten bags of cereal a day to selling over a hundred. And all we did was change the name!
Ever since that time, my company has been taking care of people from all corners of the globe. We’ve been featured on television shows, sold our amazing Holy Crap cereal at countless special occasions, and we even had a booth at the thrilling 2010 Winter Olympics.
In 2012, we experienced an incredible breakthrough at Holy Crap cereal. The Canadian Space Agency decided to include our cereal among just a dozen Canadian foods that would journey to the International Space Station with the esteemed Canadian astronaut, Chris Hadfield.
When it comes to creating a great product, having a catchy name is also really important.
Now, I know that changing your business name can be a little risky. People might laugh at it or not like it at all. But there are some definite benefits too. A unique name can grab people’s attention and make them aware of your product or service. It’s a way to make sure your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed.
Choosing a product name that grabs customers’ attention is definitely a smart move. When more people know about your brand, it increases the likelihood of turning them into customers.
Needless to say, Holy Crap cereal’s sales performance is a shining example of this.