11 October 2023

4 Big Facts About Millennial Managers – And Why They Should Matter to You

By Ronald Smith

I’ve got some really interesting information to share with you about millennial managers. Did you know that they play a crucial role in your company’s success? It’s true! Let me break it down for you with these four important stats that you should definitely pay attention to:

1. Millennials are the biggest group of managers today.

Guess who’s taking charge? Yep, it’s the millennials! They are the largest group of managers in the workforce right now. This means that they hold a lot of power and influence in shaping the direction of companies. If you want your business to stay relevant and successful, it’s vital to understand and embrace millennial managers.

2. They value collaboration and teamwork.

Millennial managers are all about working together and building strong teams. They understand the power of collaboration, and they know that great things can be achieved when everyone comes together. They value diversity and encourage open communication, which creates a positive and inclusive work environment. This fosters creativity, innovation, and ultimately, success for your company.

3. They crave personal and professional growth.

Millennials aren’t just in it for a paycheck – they have big aspirations! They thrive on continuous personal and professional growth. They want opportunities to learn and develop their skills, and they appreciate companies that invest in their growth. By investing in millennial managers, you are investing in the future of your company.

4. They embrace technology and change.

You know how technology keeps evolving at lightning speed? Well, millennial managers are right there at the forefront. They are digital natives who grew up with technology, so they’re comfortable and even excited about embracing new tools and advancements. They can help your company adapt to changing trends and stay ahead of the curve.

So why should these facts matter to you? Because millennial managers have a lot to offer. They bring fresh perspectives, a passion for collaboration, a hunger for growth, and a willingness to embrace change. By recognizing and harnessing their strengths, you can take your company to new heights.

Now, isn’t that fascinating? I hope you’re as excited as I am about the impact millennial managers can have on your business. Let’s embrace the power of the millennial generation and watch our companies thrive!

4 Big Facts About Millennial Managers – And Why They Should Matter to You

Now that millennials are reaching their mid-thirties, they’re starting to become managers. And just like they do with everything else, they’re doing it differently. Here’s what a recent study by American Express found about how millennial managers stand out from those who came before them.

They have a purpose. Millennials aren’t just focused on making money. Almost seven out of ten want to make a positive impact on the world, and they expect the companies they work for to have the same mindset. 81 percent of them believe that a successful business needs to have a purpose that connects with people, and 78 percent want to work for a company that shares their values.

What it means at work: When it comes to work, millennial managers like me will be searching for individuals who share our values. We want employees who care about more than just collecting a paycheck; we want people who genuinely believe in the company’s bigger purpose.

We prioritize employee well-being. And by that, I don’t just mean physical health – we care about your mental, emotional, and financial well-being too. As millennial managers, we want to provide you with opportunities to grow and enhance your skills. We also want to help you achieve a healthy work-life balance and keep you happy in your job. Here’s an interesting stat: 75 percent of millennials in a recent survey said a successful business needs to be flexible, meaning it doesn’t force employees into a strict and rigid structure. Along the same lines, 74 percent believe that a successful business should support its employees outside of work. Additionally, 39 percent of us millennials consider fair pay to be the biggest challenge in the workplace today.

What it means to me: When I work for millennial managers, I can expect more freedom and a workplace that sees me as a person, not just an employee.

Millennials invest in me: Millennials are willing to back up their words by investing in employee training. They prioritize employee development (94%) and executive education (87%) when it comes to using their time and money as managers.

What it means to me: Focusing on employee development is a great way for millennial managers to keep talented employees and increase overall job satisfaction. This can help prevent valuable employees from leaving for other opportunities.

We all have different ideas of what success means. As a millennial myself, I’ve noticed that my generation is all about seeking new opportunities and challenges, but not just for the sake of working. When you ask us what success means personally, a majority of us (62%) say it’s all about enjoying our work. We believe that if we’re happy with what we do, then that’s a big part of achieving success.

Another important aspect for us is having a good work/life balance. About 58% of millennials agree that this is a key ingredient to feeling successful. We don’t want work to consume our lives; we want to be able to enjoy our personal time as well.

But in order to strike that balance and truly enjoy what we do, we’re often willing to make some sacrifices. We understand that not every job will offer the perfect work/life balance or be exactly what we dreamed of. So, we’re willing to compromise. For example, 35% of us would be okay with having less responsibility at work if it means we can have more time for ourselves and our loved ones. Similarly, 35% of us are willing to lower our expectations for career advancement in exchange for more happiness in our day-to-day work. And finally, 30% of millennials are okay with taking a lower salary if it means they can truly enjoy what they do and have a better work/life balance.

What it’s all about at work: Here’s the deal – if you want to keep millennial bosses happy and on your team, you gotta give them work that actually means something and the freedom to do it on their terms. Don’t think that a fancy title or fat paycheck will cut it. If being a manager gets in the way of their bigger life goals, they won’t think twice about stepping down to a more chill position.

Millennials are totally ready and pumped to be in charge. 70% of them say they’d love to have a big executive job, like a C-level gig, compared to only 63% of Generation X. But here’s the twist – they’re also all about change. More than one-third of millennials think the role of CEO won’t even matter in the next decade. Maybe it’s ’cause they’re the ones shaking things up.