8 January 2025

YouTube Tags: A Helpful Guide for Content Creators and Small Business Owners

By Ronald Smith

So, you’ve made an awesome YouTube video and you’re super excited to share it with the world. The only problem is, there are so many videos on YouTube that it’s like finding a needle in a haystack. But don’t worry, because I’ve got a great solution for you – YouTube tags!

Now, you might be wondering, what exactly are YouTube tags? Well, they are like little labels or keywords that you can attach to your video. These tags help YouTube to understand what your video is all about, so that it can recommend it to the right people, categorize it properly, and make it easier for viewers to find.


Why Are YouTube Tags Important?

YouTube Tags: A Helpful Guide for Content Creators and Small Business Owners

Did you know that YouTube tags are like secret codes that contain extra info about a video? It’s true! Just like hashtags on other websites, these tags make it easier for people to find the content they’re looking for.

When you use the right tags, it’s like giving your videos a superpower! They become more likely to show up in search results, related videos, and suggested video sections. How cool is that?

Why YouTube Tags Are So Important for Video SEO

YouTube Tags: A Helpful Guide for Content Creators and Small Business Owners

Let’s talk about the importance of YouTube tags in helping your video get noticed. You see, these tags are like little keywords or phrases that tell YouTube what your video is all about. They help YouTube’s fancy algorithm understand your video’s content, so when people search for something, the algorithm can show them your video as a relevant result.

  • Getting Discovered:
  • When you use optimized tags, it means your videos have a better chance of being found by people searching for similar things. Think of the tags as helpful signs that lead viewers to your content in the sea of videos on the platform.
  • Having correctly tagged videos also increases the chances of your video appearing in the ‘related videos’ sidebar. This sidebar catches people’s attention while they watch videos, and it guides them to more videos that are similar to what they’re already enjoying.

When you use specific and relevant tags, you attract viewers who are genuinely interested in your content. This leads to better engagement, higher retention rates, and a more satisfied audience.

Tags can also help your videos stand out from your competitors. If your competitors overlook certain important tags and you include them, you might capture a segment of the audience that they have missed.

YouTube’s algorithm takes into account how relevant and valuable your video is to users. By using the right tags, you show YouTube that your content is relevant to specific searches. This can potentially improve your video’s ranking in search results.

By tagging your videos properly, you ensure that viewers can quickly find what they’re looking for. This saves them time and enhances their overall experience on the platform.

Did you know that the tags you use on YouTube are more than just boring metadata? They’re actually super important in helping people find, enjoy, and watch your videos! It’s like having a secret weapon to make sure your content gets seen by the right audience.

Check out these cool examples of YouTube tags:

YouTube Tags: A Helpful Guide for Content Creators and Small Business Owners

I’ve got some great examples of YouTube tags that really hit the mark.

Get Fit at Home: No Equipment Needed!

This tag is perfect if you don’t have any workout gear lying around. It gives you a solution to the problem.

Easy Makeup Tutorial for Beginners

When you see the word beginners in this tag, you know it’s meant for you!

The Coolest Tags for the Hottest YouTube Videos

YouTube trends change all the time. But here are some tags that are currently popular and can help your video get discovered:

  • #Vlog: Check out personal video blogs where creators share their daily life, travels, and more!
  • #Unboxing: Get a sneak peek as products like new gadgets and toys are opened for the first time. Plus, you’ll hear the reviewer’s thoughts!
  • #Challenge: It’s a fun thing where people try to do certain tasks that have become really popular. Sometimes the tasks are funny or really hard to do, and they go viral on the internet.
  • #Tutorial: These are videos that teach you how to do something. They cover all kinds of topics, like makeup and DIY projects.
  • #Review: These are opinions and thoughts about products, movies, books, or games. People give their assessments and share their insights.
  • #ASMR: These videos are meant to make you feel a certain way by using sounds. They might whisper or tap on things to trigger a certain sensory response in viewers.
  • #Gaming: This is all about video games. You can watch people play games, get reviews on games, or even see live streams of games being played.
  • #Travel: Creators share their travel experiences with you. They take you on city tours and show you all kinds of adventures, even ones that are off the beaten path.

Hi there! I want to talk to you about some popular hashtags on social media. Hashtags are like labels that categorize content and make it easier to find. Let’s dive into a few of them:

  • #Haul: This hashtag is used when people want to show off things they recently bought. It could be from a shopping trip or an online order.
  • #DIY: DIY stands for Do It Yourself. If you’re into crafts and homemade projects, this hashtag is for you. People use it to share tutorials or showcase their handmade creations.
  • #Comedy: If you love to laugh, you’ll enjoy the content under this hashtag. It includes skits, stand-up comedy, and other funny videos that aim to entertain and make you laugh.
  • #Fitness: Need some workout motivation? Look no further than this hashtag. You’ll find fitness routines, workout tips, and other health-related content to help you stay in shape.
  • #Music: Are you a music lover? Then this hashtag is perfect for you. It covers a wide range of content related to the music industry, including covers, original songs, and music videos.

Understanding Broad vs Specific Tags

How to Add Tags to Your YouTube Video

Hey, I want to show you how to add tags to your YouTube video. It’s super easy, so let’s get started!

  • First, go to your YouTube studio dashboard. You can find it by clicking on the Videos tab.
  • Next, choose the video you want to add tags to and click on its thumbnail. This will open up the video details.
  • Now, click on the Details tab. Scroll down to the tag section and type in the tags you want to add. You can add as many tags as you like!

How to Upload and Add Tags to a New YouTube Video

If you’re uploading a new video to YouTube, here’s how you can add tags:

First, go to your YouTube studio and click on the Create button. Then, select Upload Videos. Once your video is uploaded, scroll down to the More Options section. You’ll find the tags box there, where you can add your tags.

How to Add or Edit Tags on an Existing YouTube Video

If you want to make changes to the tags on one of your existing videos, here’s what you need to do:

Scroll down to the tag section of the video and click on the text box. You can then make any changes you want to the tags.

Understanding and Using YouTube’s Suggested Tags

YouTube also provides suggested tags for your videos. These tags are related to your video’s content and can help improve its visibility. To use these suggested tags, simply choose the ones that are relevant to your video and add them to the tag section.

That’s it! Now you know how to add tags to your YouTube videos. Happy tagging!

When you’re uploading a video on YouTube, you have the option to add tags that are recommended by YouTube’s algorithm. These tags are suggested to you in the tag input field, and they can help make your video more discoverable.

Tips for Using YouTube Tags

YouTube Tags: A Helpful Guide for Content Creators and Small Business Owners

I’m here to share some awesome tips on how to use YouTube tags effectively. So, let’s dive right in!

Top 10 Tips for Awesome Tagging

1. Put the Main Keyword in the First Tag

By doing this, you’re telling YouTube’s search algorithms that your video is super relevant. So, make sure to choose the right target keyword.

2. Use Tags that are Related to Your Content

When you use relevant tags, your video gets aligned with similar content and search queries. This increases your chances of getting discovered.

3. Be Consistent with Tags, Video Title, and Description

Consistency is key! Make sure that your tags, video title, and description all reflect the same accurate picture of your video’s content. This helps YouTube understand what your video is all about.

4. Spice it Up with Long-Tail Keywords

Make your tags more interesting by including long-tail keywords. These are specific and help attract your target audience to your video. It’s a win-win situation!

5. Consider Adding Branded Tags

Branded tags are like a little bonus. They’re keywords that point to a specific product or service. When you include them, it boosts engagement and brings more eyes to your video.

6. Go for High Volume Tags

7. Give Location Tags a Try!

If you want to target a specific area, location tags are perfect for that.

8. Avoid Repeating the Same Tags

Make sure you use a variety of tags that are all relevant to your video.

9. Be Mindful of Quantity

Stuffing your video with tags won’t help on YouTube. Stick to ten to fifteen tags, that’s the standard.

10. Put Your Most Important Tag First

When choosing the order of your YouTube tags, prioritize your most important one.

Exploring the Right Video Tags

YouTube Tags: A Helpful Guide for Content Creators and Small Business Owners

When it comes to choosing tags for your videos, it’s helpful to take a look at what your competitors are doing. By analyzing their tags, you can get an idea of the ones that might work well for you too. It’s important to strike a balance between using broad tags and specific tags.

Finding the Right Mix of Broad and Specific Video Tags

YouTube Tags: A Helpful Guide for Content Creators and Small Business Owners

When you’re tagging your content, it’s important to find a mix that not only reflects what you’re sharing but also helps with discoverability. You want your tags to be appealing to a wide range of people, but also specific enough to attract your desired audience.

Don’t Make These Tagging Errors

YouTube Tags: A Helpful Guide for Content Creators and Small Business Owners

Let’s talk about some common mistakes to avoid when adding YouTube tags. Trust me, you don’t want to make these blunders. And while we’re at it, I’ll tell you why using a YouTube tag generator can also lead to some pitfalls, so you can steer clear of them.

  1. Using just one word for your tags is a no-no. To stand out, it’s important to be more specific about your content. Try adding a geographic tag that describes your video better.
  2. Avoid clickbait tags at all costs. They might seem tempting, but using misleading tags can damage your credibility. Only use tags that accurately represent what’s actually in your video.
  3. Remember to update your tags regularly. Keep an eye on how your videos are performing and do some keyword research to find tags that make the most sense for your content.

The Downside of YouTube Tag Generators

YouTube Tags: A Helpful Guide for Content Creators and Small Business Owners

Let me tell you about a few awesome tag generator tools you can use. They’ll help you make your YouTube videos even better!

First up, we have Rapidtags. It’s a simple tool, so if you’re just starting out, this one is perfect for you. It may not be ideal for advanced strategies, though.

Next, there’s Ubersuggest. This tool is great if you’re curious about how your competition is doing. It provides you with competition data and search volume numbers. Plus, it’s super easy to use!

Lastly, we have TubeBuddy. The coolest thing about this tool is that it integrates directly with YouTube. It makes your life a whole lot easier, trust me!

Now, let’s talk about how to effectively use a YouTube tag generator tool.

YouTube Tags: A Helpful Guide for Content Creators and Small Business Owners

  • To improve your search ranking, try using more specific keywords.
  • Take a look at the relevance and popularity of the tags you’re using.
  • Look at your competitors’ tags for inspiration, and use a tag generator to filter and refine your ideas.

Frequently Asked Questions: YouTube Tags

How many tags can I use for a YouTube video?

You can add up to 15 different versions of tags to your video. It’s recommended to keep them short, around 2 to 3 words, for better SEO.

Can I change the tags on my YouTube video after I’ve published it?

Absolutely! You can easily edit and update your tags by accessing your YouTube studio.

How can I find out which tags a popular YouTube video is using?

If you want to see the tags used in a popular YouTube video, right-click on the page and select View Page Source. Look for keywords in the code, and you may also find insights in the video’s description.

Is it helpful to use the same tags in multiple YouTube videos?

How do target keywords in my tags affect where my video shows up in YouTube search results?

YouTube keeps its algorithms a secret. But, putting target keywords in your tags is considered a smart move for YouTube SEO and video marketing. Tags are like a matchmaker for search queries, so if someone is looking for something specific, there’s a good chance your video will pop up.